Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No More Commercials

We made the jump and got rid of cable. We have gone without cable frequently in the past as well, but of course the kids were younger then and not so involved in TV shows. Like American Idol. Hopefully, all of the performances will be on YouTube the next day.

I just have a very low tolerance for television in general. There is something about all of the commercials aimed at encouraging kids to beg their parents to buy them things which makes me nuts. And Nate falls for them like no other. He is convinced that a certain toy or a type of food will totally change his life. It got to the point that every time he watched TV, he was begging me to take him to the store for something. So the marketing is effective. And that is why I finally pulled the plug.

Instead, they have video games, netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. I'll probably end up regretting all of those too!

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