Friday, August 22, 2008

Wisdom from No Impact Man

A post from No Impact Man yesterday fits well into the theme of this blog:

Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Feeling the change

From March to June, I struggled a lot with the consumerism stuff. I went to Wal Mart for cereal and came home with markers, candles, a new t-shirt.

I knew I didn't NEED these things. I asked myself honestly if I even WANTED these things. Or was I compensating for other unmanageable areas in my life by shopping? And not even for good stuff, but for mediocre every day clutter. Just come on over. You'll see exactly what I mean.

Even with all of our decluttering before Mother's Day, my house barely looks any better. And even though I have been seriously conscious of what I'm buying, I was still rationalizing a lot of purchases. Of stuff. I was stressed out at work and suddenly, a few candles- on sale- were exactly what I needed. I hadn't slept well and jewelry making beads that I don't have time to use right now were the perfect color to match my church dress or R's new shirt. . . small purchases became justifiable.

And in July, I finally had the paradigm shift. I have never gone to a store just to browse, so that certainly helped my initial spending patterns. But, once at the store, I rarely had a list or stuck to the reason for the visit. I would find myself wandering aimlessly through the aisles, in some cases because I knew there was one more thing I needed and in other cases because I wasn't focused and would pass things I had come in for. And I really really love clearance aisles. Which is a problem in itself.

But in July, it finally occurred to me (I'm a slow learner) that the only way I was going to overcome this was to keep my shopping trips very very short. 20 minutes short. And it's working. I don't wait to go to Walmart until I have 20 items that will take me 2 hours to find. I go every week or so. But , I only get what's on my list. And I get multiples of things that we replace often. Shampoo, soap, dental floss, toothbrushes, cereal, etc. Anything that stores can be bought in bulk. I do it all of the time with food, but for whatever reason, I was out of the habit with personal hygiene items. Now, I spend my 20 minutes in 2 aisles and I'm stocked up for a month and done, out of there with no impulse buys and no wasted time. Well, except for the time wasted in line to check out. That painful part is unavoidable.

Now, it's the end of August and I haven't been to WalMart since. . . hmm. I can't remember my last trip. It might have been just before scout camp because E claimed he only owns 3 pair of underwear. If so, that was 3 weeks ago. Not counting the trip for L to get an ipod cover that she couldn't live without. . . I didn't buy anything. A trip to WalMart with no purchases. Another victory in and of itself!

Today, I'm going through my mental list of things we are low on or need and I can't come up with anything. Nothing at all. Not even cereal. Please let this victory last!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No More Commercials

We made the jump and got rid of cable. We have gone without cable frequently in the past as well, but of course the kids were younger then and not so involved in TV shows. Like American Idol. Hopefully, all of the performances will be on YouTube the next day.

I just have a very low tolerance for television in general. There is something about all of the commercials aimed at encouraging kids to beg their parents to buy them things which makes me nuts. And Nate falls for them like no other. He is convinced that a certain toy or a type of food will totally change his life. It got to the point that every time he watched TV, he was begging me to take him to the store for something. So the marketing is effective. And that is why I finally pulled the plug.

Instead, they have video games, netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. I'll probably end up regretting all of those too!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Item of the Month

From now on, we will have an item or class of items that we do without each month to see if we really can wean ourselves away from the madness.

This month, it's packaged cookies, crackers, and snack type foods. Why wean away:
1) None of them are healthy.
2) The ones we make taste better anyway
3) I am sick of buying snacks for a particular event only to find them eaten up before they can get packed and eaten at the event they were purchased for. And isn't it funny how every single time I find and empty box, the poltergeists we obviously live with get blamed?

So, for one month, no store bought treats, unless they are already in my house. And those probably won't last past tomorrow. Thank goodness Ellie is really good at baking cookies. And Evan has no-bake cookies to a science.

Monday, July 14, 2008


SO, I can't help but be extremely nervous, realizing that no matter how we slice it, the Fannie/Freddie disaster impacts our country in ways no one can fully realize. The impact is huge to mortgages, to financial markets, to the taxpayers, to the entire economy.

In reading blogs, opinions, and news stories today, Jim Kunstler stands out:
There's a particular moment known to all Baby Boomers when Wile E. Coyote, in a rapture of over-reaching, has run past the edge of the mesa and, still licking his chops and rubbing his front paws in anticipation of fricasseed roadrunner, discovers that he is suspended in thin air by nothing more than momentum. Grin becomes chagrin. He turns a nauseating shade of green, and drops, whistling, back to earth thousands of feet below, with a distant, dismal, barely audible thud at the end of his journey. We are Wile E. Coyote Nation.
Is there anyone in the known universe who thinks that the US financial system is not fifty feet beyond the edge of the mesa of credibility?

But I look around at my neighbors and my friends and although I know people are feeling the pinch of higher gas prices, I don't think anyone recognizes the impact the banking collapse is having. Or the impact on the dollar that a government bailout leads to. People seem to think food and oil and housing will recover within a year or two.

And I feel like a raving lunatic to keep harping on the need for canned food, gardens, and self-sufficiency. Stark raving. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm buying more rice. . .

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Off the Wagon

The last month included far more trips to WalMart than any human actually needs to make in a lifetime. And SIGH, there is one more in the works. Because honestly, I have fallen off the wagon. I haven't fallen severely, but none-the-less, I have been very lazy about making do with whatever we have rather than buying more stuff.

And it occurs to me that it's once again a reflection on the nature of the work/spend cycle. I have been working a lot lately, trying to keep customers happy. When customers stay happy, I am rewarded with a lovely pay check. When I receive said lovely paycheck, I immediately begin to think of all of the effort that went into earning that paycheck. Which reminds me that I will need equally as much effort to earn another check just like it (maybe I should rethink working on commissions) and I instantly start to think of all of the things that will make my life easier if I get them. Which must be a result of programming, because I know that short of a washer which collects, sorts, pre-treats, washes, dries, folds and puts away all of the clothing in my house, there's not much I can think of that makes life easier. Ibuprofen. Demerol. But that's just the arthritis talking. . .

I am still more aware of my spending and my consumption than I was this time last year, but I have to be better. Especially about books.

But if someone invents an oven that does the grocery shopping, I'm whipping out the credit card.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Baby Shower

I'm not a huge fan of the baby shower. I actually find it a little appalling just how many "things" people want for their babies, even if they don't have room to store them or if they have previous children and have many of the items they need. Except in blue. Or in pink.

I believe gender specific colors is another way manufactures promote and ensure multiple purchases. And we all fall for it. Because it would be horrible if a little girl had to ride around in a blue car seat. Or vice versa. . .

And while I was happy to help a new mom who otherwise might not be able to provide diapers for her baby, I was less than thrilled by the $200 worth of decorations that went in the garbage can after the party was over.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not alone

The more I actively try to limit the amount of money I am spending on unnecessary things, the more aware I am of other people doing the same thing.

While blog stalking today, I came across a site from a site from a site and I can't find it now. I left a comment, so maybe she will find me! :)

She said:
3. Consumer Mentality- CONFESSION: I love to consume things, especially new things. I love the thrill of seeing it pass over the scanner, drop into the plastic shopping bag, and leave in my arms. I love experiencing the excitement of ripping into the package and admiring my new "kill". Coming to terms with my consumer mentality and the effects it was/is having on my family, my pocket, my world was/is painful. It all boils down to self-centeredness.

I appreciate how she summed up that sometimes need to have the experience of conquering the store. There is a certain satisfaction in owning something. Even if it's poorly made and useless. Weird.

We have been fighting our battle here still. Maybe not as diligently as we should be, but fighting it anyway. I feel like I conquer one thing, such as the over stocked T shirts for my boys, and I'm just putting the money into something else non-essential.

It's a struggle every time I enter a store, which is an excellent excuse to stop shopping entirely!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Check this out

An interactive site to help you see how your consumption affects the planet.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


OK, I'm not ready to go trash picking for food, but I'm feeling pretty close in a lot of other areas. . .
Check out this Oprah link I found today.


It is not easy to limit consumption when traveling and preparing to travel. Even if you have sunscreen at home, you still have to buy more once you get there. Or try to explain to FSA why a life of limited consumption should qualify you larger items through security. . .

The biggest thing that's killing me right now is clothes. Several kids have outgrown their stuff. I don't have time to sort through thrift shops for used stuff, so I am stuck buying new clothes. Expensive and frustrating. I am donating and/or using (for cleaning rags) every time of outgrown clothing, but I still wish I had time to thrift shop. The kids are quite fine with their new clothes.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sums it up

And this is why our country is in trouble right now:

"People were relying on home equity to maintain consumption. They can't keep doing that once the equity's gone," said Dean Baker, co-director at the Center of Economic Policy Research. "Undoubtedly, this is one reason for the falloff in consumption in last couple of months."

Home equity fueled spending. Pure insanity.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Birthday Parties

I wonder when the shift happened that everyone decided a birthday party had to cost a fortune. I am guilty of spending too much myself. The kids are not going to be thrilled to realize that part of our anti-consumerism year includes cutting back or excluding extravagant parties. I'm not really looking forward to telling them.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I'm afraid we must be the only nation that can spend 17 billion dollars on Valentine's crap while still crying about a recession.

Thank goodness the government is sending out checks for everyone to spend and fast. I will be paying off braces with mine. Does that count?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Still cleaning

I have been sorting and donating items we don't use for at least 3 months now. It is so nice to get rid of stuff and free up space. It is so nice not to replace old stuff with new stuff that will become old stuff.

I just wish there wasn't so much stuff in my house! It almost makes me cry to think of how much money has been spent on clutter.

I went to Wal Mart two nights ago and ONLY bought the supplies for Tyler's science project. It may just be the only time I've walked out of Wal Mart for under $20.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I almost gave in

Macy's is having a total liquidation sale and then remodeling their store. $25 towels on sale for $8. I had them in my hands and everything. I was almost to the register when I finally asked myself, "Do I need towels?"

I put them down and got out of there. Whew! That was a close one!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Some notes on Recycling

21 Things You Didn't
Know You Can Recycle

Garbage. Americans produce more and more of it every year, when we need to be producing less. Even the most waste-conscious among us can feel overwhelmed by the amount of household waste that goes beyond what municipal recyclers and compost bins can handle. That’s why our editors spent the summer of 2007 investigating the state of waste management in our country, putting this list together for you, explaining how we can get serious about the three R’s – reducing, reusing, and recycling — and divert more waste away from landfills. (To download the entire recycling issue of the Quarterly, visit our archives page.)

1. Appliances: Goodwill accepts working appliances,, or you can contact the Steel Recycling Institute to recycle them. 800/YES-1-CAN,

2. Batteries: Rechargeables and single-use: Battery Solutions, 734/467-9110,

3. Cardboard boxes: Contact local nonprofits and women’s shelters to see if they can use them. Or, offer up used cardboard boxes at your local listserv or on for others who may need them for moving or storage. If your workplace collects at least 100 boxes or more each month, accepts them for resale.

4. CDs/DVDs/Game Disks: Send scratched music or computer CDs, DVDs, and PlayStation or Nintendo video game disks to AuralTech for refinishing, and they’ll work like new: 888/454-3223,

5. Clothes: Wearable clothes can go to your local Goodwill outlet or shelter. Donate wearable women’s business clothing to Dress for Success, which gives them to low-income women as they search for jobs, 212/532-1922, Offer unwearable clothes and towels to local animal boarding and shelter facilities, which often use them as pet bedding. Consider holding a clothes swap at your office, school, faith congregation or community center. Swap clothes with friends and colleagues, and save money on a new fall wardrobe and back-to-school clothes.

6. Compact fluorescent bulbs: Take them to your local IKEA store for recycling:

7. Compostable bio-plastics: You probably won’t be able to compost these in your home compost bin or pile. Find a municipal composter to take them to at

8. Computers and electronics: Find the most responsible recyclers, local and national, at

9. Exercise videos: Swap them with others at

10. Eyeglasses: Your local Lion’s Club or eye care chain may collect these. Lenses are reground and given to people in need.

11. Foam packing: Your local pack-and-ship store will likely accept foam peanuts for reuse. Or, call the Plastic Loose Fill Producers Council to find a drop-off site: 800/828-2214. For places to drop off foam blocks for recycling, contact the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers, 410/451-8340,

12. Ink/toner cartridges: pays $1/each.

13. Miscellaneous: Get your unwanted items into the hands of people who can use them. Offer them up on your local or listserv, or try giving them away at or giving or selling them at will also help you find a recycler, if possible, when your items have reached the end of their useful lifecycle.

14. Oil: Find Used Motor Oil Hotlines for each state: 202/682-8000,

15. Phones: Donate cell phones: Collective Good will refurbish your phone and sell it to someone in a developing country: 770/856-9021, Call to Protect reprograms cell phones to dial 911 and gives them to domestic violence victims: Recycle single-line phones: Reclamere, 814/386-2927,

16. Sports equipment: Resell or trade it at your local Play It Again Sports outlet, 800/476-9249,

17. “Technotrash”: Project KOPEG offers an e-waste recycling program that can help you raise funds for your organization. Use Project KOPEG to recycle iPods, MP3 players, cell phones and chargers, digital cameras, PDAs, palm pilots, and more. Also, easily recycle all of your CDs, jewel cases, DVDs, audio and video tapes, pagers, rechargeable and single-use batteries, PDAs, and ink/toner cartridges with GreenDisk’s Technotrash program. For $30, GreenDisk will send you a cardboard box in which you can ship them up to 70 pounds of any of the above. Your fee covers the box as well as shipping and recycling fees. 800/305-GREENDISK,

18. Tennis shoes: Nike’s Reuse-a-Shoe program turns old shoes into playground and athletic flooring. One World Running will send still-wearable shoes to athletes in need in Africa, Latin America, and Haiti.

19. Toothbrushes and razors: Buy a recycled plastic toothbrush or razor from Recycline, and the company will take it back to be recycled again into plastic lumber. Recycline products are made from used Stonyfield Farms’ yogurt cups. 888/354-7296,

20. Tyvek envelopes: Quantities less than 25: Send to Shirley Cimburke, Tyvek Recycling Specialist, 5401 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Spot 197, Room 231, Richmond, VA 23234. Quantities larger than 25, call 866/33-TYVEK.

21. Stuff you just can’t recycle: When practical, send such items back to the manufacturer and tell them they need to manufacture products that close the waste loop responsibly.


Monday, January 7, 2008

Painful Transition

With 5 kids, we eat a lot of food. I hate doing dishes, so we have been using paper plates and bowls for several years. With our new attention to consumption, we decided we have to move away from those.

The plates are gone and now I have to do dishes twice a day. This is painful for me, especially when I know that we are using more water and that is also an issue as we live in a desert. Have I mentioned that I hate doing dishes?